Reunification: A Monterey Mary Returns to Berlin  

Reunification: A Monterey Mary Returns to Berlin

Now Available

From T.H.E. Hill, the author of
Voices Under Berlin: The Tale of a Monterey Mary

for the fiftieth anniversary of the first permanent SIGINT collection presence on Teufelsberg, the operational home of Field Station Berlin

Army Security Agency CrestArmy Security Agency BerlinINSCOM Crest

Dedicated to the Army’s top-ten-percent, the Army Security Agency and its successor organizations; not only to those who served at Field Station Berlin, but also to those who served in places I am not allowed to name.

2013 marks the Fiftieth Anniversary of the first permanent buildings on Teufelsberg, the operational home of Field Station Berlin. This novel, together with the issue of a sheet of Cinderella stamps, and the dedication of a memorial plaque commemorates that event.

Field Station Berlin Skyline Cinderella Stamp Field Station Berlin 50th Anniversary Cinderella Stamp

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